Setup a selfhosted newsletter using listmonk

Listmonk is an amazing feature packed selfhosted email newsletter manager. It offers loads of features like analytics (clicks, opens, bounces), templates, public subscription pages, importing subscribers and much more!

Selfhost your own gitea instance - selfhosted, lightweight github alternative

In this article I’ll walk you through how you can run your own gitea instance. But first What is gitea? Gitea is a painless selfhosted Git service. It is written in Go and is extremely lightweight. I run a gitea instance on my Le Potato and it barely uses any resources. Why use gitea (vs GitHub, GitLab etc) I started running my own Gitea instance because I wanted a private place to host my Obsidian notes....

PocketBase self-hosted Firebase alternative

What is PocketBase PocketBase is an open source backend made in go consisting of embedded database (SQLite) with realtime subscriptions, built-in auth management, convenient dashboard UI and simple REST-ish API. Install PocketBase The first thing that you will have to do is head to and select the file for your operating system. Since I am using linux I will show how to set this up on linux but it should be pretty similar for any other os....

How to Set Up Your Own Git Server: A Simple Guide

Thinking about setting up your own Git server? There are plenty of perks to doing so instead of relying on platforms like GitHub. For starters, you’ll have complete control over your code, ensuring it can’t be used for profit or deleted by anyone but you. What You’ll Need A Computer for Your Server: Ideally running Linux (Debian is a solid choice). Internet Connection: Pretty essential for accessing your server remotely. Another Computer with Git Installed: This is what you’ll use to interact with your server....

Host your own private search engine — searX

We rely on google more and more, but it’s interesting to know how much data Google is now handling. Alphabet aka Google describes its extensive data collection practices in its privacy policy. The company stores an astounding quantity of data. An estimated 15 exabytes of YOUR data are stored by Google. Google is tracking your every move. What is searX? Searx is a free and open-source metasearch engine, available under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, with the aim of protecting the privacy of its users....

Get ad free web with Pi-hole

In this article, I will show you how to set up Pi-hole. Pi-hole will allow you to block in-app ads, improve your network’s performance, and monitor statistics. Pi-hole also allows you to create a VPN. What is Pi-hole? Pi-hole is a Linux network-level advertisement and Internet tracker blocking application that acts as a DNS sinkhole and optionally a DHCP server, intended for use on a private network. It is designed for low-power embedded devices with network capability, such as the Raspberry Pi, but can be installed on any Linux machine....

Securing ssh with Key-Based authentication

SSH keys provide an extremely secure way of logging into your server. SSH Password Based VS Key Based Authentication Clients can be authenticated by an SSH server in a variety of ways. The most basic is password authentication, which is simple to use but not particularly secure. The more advanced and secure way is via ssh keys.Brute-forcing a password-protected account is quite possible thanks to modern computing power and automated scripts....

Setup a tor website (hidden service)

In this article i will be showing you how to host your “dark web” aka Tor website for free. What is Tor? Tor — short for the Onion Routing project — is an open-source privacy network that enables anonymous web browsing. The worldwide Tor computer network uses secure, encrypted protocols to ensure that users’ online privacy is protected. Tor users’ digital data and communications are shielded using a layered approach that resembles the nested layers of an onion....